Wednesday, February 24

Waiting Game

I think as of right now we're just playing a waiting game. I'm still really excited but at the same time I don't really believe it. I wonder when it will hit me that I'm going to be living in a different country without my usual friends, family, or even a car. It's kind of terrifying but at the same time really exciting.

Well, as for my to-do list, I have a couple things working. When I was looking up things I needed for my passport, I noticed that the Post Office website has some really interesting tips for studying abroad and visiting abroad. I think I'm going to read over those. I would never have thought to check with my health insurance to see if they have any offices where I'm going. So everyone can follow along with me, here's the link:

It should take you right to their page about international travel. Very interesting stuff.

Last Saturday, I talked to my manager about the trip. I talked to her before and she said "Pfft, five weeks isn't a big deal. We can hold your job for that long." But that would have been for the summer, and this is in the fall and twice as long. So I had to ask again just to make sure. And she said the same thing! "No big deal, we don't want to lose you, you're such a good employee." Well, the employers I've worked for in the past just didn't praise me. So I'm really happy about her comment. Made me feel like a hundred bucks!

Also, I have all of my stuff for my passport. I have my money set aside, my birth certificate, my social security card and my driver's license. And as Lauren pointed out, I made sure that they were able to take photos on site so I don't have to bring my own. All I have to do now is just make sure that I'm looking smokin' hot!

By the way, 9 days 'til I get my passport! I've never had one and I have never thought that I would need one!