Thursday, February 25

Two posts in one day, I'm a madwoman!

Hi, my name is Sarah and I post too much.

Regardless of my addiction, I just wanted to see if I can get some feedback. I was thinking about adding a "Make a Donation" button to this blog, but I don't know if I can get enough followers for it to even matter. Also, I feel kind of strange asking for money. If anyone can think of good way to generate some cash please shout it out (er...e-mail me at I was thinking maybe I could set up some kind of fundraiser at my work as it gets closer to August but I would need to set up a proposal and present it to the partners. I already have an idea for the name: "Adopt a Broke College Kid and Send Her Far, Far Away." It's going to be big, I promise!

So, short of selling everything you own (har har,) how else can I get some money coming in?

Questions, comments, snide remarks are always welcome!

And now, for an Italian Proverb that I found somewhere online:

"Silence was never written down"


Here's the deal, I really wanted to try and get a slideshow going for pictures I've found of Montepulciano. Then I figured out that I don't really know how to do that. So, in lieu of a slideshow that I can't make happen as of right now, I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures. Up above are some of my favorites, hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, February 24

Waiting Game

I think as of right now we're just playing a waiting game. I'm still really excited but at the same time I don't really believe it. I wonder when it will hit me that I'm going to be living in a different country without my usual friends, family, or even a car. It's kind of terrifying but at the same time really exciting.

Well, as for my to-do list, I have a couple things working. When I was looking up things I needed for my passport, I noticed that the Post Office website has some really interesting tips for studying abroad and visiting abroad. I think I'm going to read over those. I would never have thought to check with my health insurance to see if they have any offices where I'm going. So everyone can follow along with me, here's the link:

It should take you right to their page about international travel. Very interesting stuff.

Last Saturday, I talked to my manager about the trip. I talked to her before and she said "Pfft, five weeks isn't a big deal. We can hold your job for that long." But that would have been for the summer, and this is in the fall and twice as long. So I had to ask again just to make sure. And she said the same thing! "No big deal, we don't want to lose you, you're such a good employee." Well, the employers I've worked for in the past just didn't praise me. So I'm really happy about her comment. Made me feel like a hundred bucks!

Also, I have all of my stuff for my passport. I have my money set aside, my birth certificate, my social security card and my driver's license. And as Lauren pointed out, I made sure that they were able to take photos on site so I don't have to bring my own. All I have to do now is just make sure that I'm looking smokin' hot!

By the way, 9 days 'til I get my passport! I've never had one and I have never thought that I would need one!

Saturday, February 20

From the beginning...

Just to catch us up, Lauren went to London for her study abroad last summer and I was sooo jealous! Due to her inspiration, I am now trying to go to Montepulciano, Italy in the fall for a ten week study abroad. In case you don't know, Montepulciano is a small, rural town inside Tuscany. From pictures I've seen and what I've heard, it's absolutely beautiful and charming.

Let's move on to the big news. Friday afternoon I submitted my application to study abroad. I paid my money and I have received a receipt, now I'm just waiting to see if someone will contact me. Apparently they are only taking twenty-five students. In the summer I'm told that they take up to forty-five. It sounds pretty intense! I also signed up for my classes. One is a geography class and another one is a painting class. The ones I'm most excited about are the required ones, Italian Art and Italian Language. You mean I get to take two classes in two of my favorite things? I just don't know if this fall can get any better!

There is still a bunch of stuff I need to do in preparation for my trip. Like get luggage. I know, how do I not have luggage? I don't know when I would have ever needed it. I've been on a plane three times in my entire life and I've never even been out of the country. Which brings me to another thing that's kind of a requirement: a passport. I know, I know, it's kind of a big deal. Don't worry though, I made my appointment for March 5th at 11 a.m. It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas! I don't know when the shock will wear off and it will become real, but keep your fingers crossed for me!