Monday, March 22

I'm not a very patient person...

I still haven't heard anything about the trip. But then again, it is six months away. I guess I'm just getting antsy and tired of the constant stress of school right now. I'll be very excited to hear anything though, so be prepared the moment I do!

I'm still waiting on my passport to come in the mail. I know I have a couple more weeks to wait, but I'm not very good at being patient!

P.S. Just to let everyone know, the painting above was done by Artemisia Gentileschi. She was one of the few female Baroque Italian painters. Her subjects were usually based around the Bible or what her commissioners wished her to paint. She was a very interesting lady!

Tuesday, March 16

My Passport and Other Things

This last week was my school's spring break, therefore I worked almost the entire time because I'm too broke to go anywhere fun. Even though I just stayed home, I was able to do a few things I don't normally do. For example, I went to my very first hockey game. It was awesome! Thrashers whooped the New York Islanders 6 - 3 with FOUR goals scored in the first period alone. I was pretty impressed, then I found out the Islanders just aren't that good of a team. What do I know, I've never really even watched hockey. Great game either way.

I also saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D IMAX. Not as great as Avatar, but I don't know what can really beat that movie right now. The movie, Alice in Wonderland, was pretty interesting because it wasn't exactly like the cartoon I grew up with, thanks to Tim Burton. Johnny Depp's character, the Mad Hatter, was hysterical as usual. I do somewhat find myself comparing his characters and seeing themes among them. For example, Captain Jack Sparrow was similar to the Mad Hatter in the movements, kind of like a drunk theater major. It can be a bit much at times, but the overall effect is pretty good, which is probably the reason he replicates it. Anne Hathaway was the White Queen in this movie, which was totally unexpected. I really liked her though, very funny. I might have been the only one laughing at certain parts but I thoroughly enjoyed it. A+ in my book!

Now, moving on to the stuff dealing with my trip to Italy. I went to the post office to get my passport! I should be getting it in the mail anywhere from 3 - 20 weeks. Okay, I might be exaggerating. It's probably more like 3 - 6 weeks, but the post office kind of works at it's own pace. My Grandma Betty went with me and and nicest lady helped us. So if anyone needs a passport, I recommend you go to the Lawrence St. Post Office in Marietta. I'll keep everyone informed as to when I actually get it. I still can't actually believe this is happening.